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Food For Thought Friday: Wrappin’

Over at Keeping Her Cool, Colleen talks swaddling from a personal angle (click HERE). Head over there to find out how swaddling transformed the concept of sleep in her household. The professional Postpartum Doulas at Welcome Baby Care love the swaddle method and want every new mom to know how to do it. This weekend winners will receive a free swaddle blankets for our latest give-away. Keep reading to see how you can win!

Want to know more about swaddling, how to do it, and how it can benefit your baby? Check out these resources:

  • Click HERE to download WBC swaddling instructions.
  • As Colleen mentions in her post, Dr. Harvey Karp’s book The Happiest Baby on the Block, is really the go-to resource to learn the “ancient art of soothing a baby” which incorporates not only swaddling, but the other 4 S’s (sucking, shushing, swinging, and side position). Check out his website HERE or buy the book HERE.
  • Baby-Gami Baby Wrapping For Beginners is another favorite WBC swaddling guide. Click HERE.

Did you swaddle your babies? What was your experience? Share with other readers in the comments below.

And don’t forget the free give-away!!

Here’s how to enter to win a free swaddling blanket from Welcome Baby Care:

  • Comment below on this question: (make sure to leave your email or a link so we can contact you)
  • Contest runs until Monday May 30, 2011 midnight CST.
  • Winners will be chosen at www.random.org on Tuesday, May 31 at 8:00am CST
  • Increase your chances to win by letting us know (in the comments section) that you have done one of the following (you can perform several actions and leave comments for each to increase your winning potential!):
  • Twitter: following@babycaretweets = 1 entry. Click here.
  • Facebook: “Like” Welcome Baby Care = 1 entry. Click here.
  • Subscribe: receive blog updates in your inbox (click button above) = 1 entry.

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