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A New Doula’s Reflections: I Love My Mom!

By Doula Gretchen

I love MomLooking back, I now recognize and appreciate the time, energy, and love my mom put into raising me and my siblings. I see it differently as I did as a child. Though I adored her growing up, I took the work of a stay-at-home-mom for granted.

Now, as an adult, I love cooking with my mom. I love going on walks with her. I go to her for advice and know she will be my greatest supporter as I raise my own kids. She’s everything.

I see so much of my mom in me. I use the same expressions, I have her laugh. Since we don’t live close to one another, this kind of keeps her with me in a way.

Given that I’ve grown to appreciate my own mom in so many ways, I am thrilled to be working for a company that supports MOTHERS! What could be more important, really? As I grow into my role as a doula, I hope that I can convey to these new mamas–who are so exhausted and uncertain–that their work matters…that someday their children will look back on these sleepless nights–and the songs and the walks and the talks–with gratitude.