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News From the Blazing Trail

Carey, Tory, and Jen just wrapped up a week of visits at four Optum campuses across the Metro.

Our mission?  Enlightening new parents, those expecting, and those thinking about or trying to conceive, on the importance of 4th trimester care.  Of course, we have loftier dreams of mega companies such as Target, Optum, and 3M implementing a postpartum care plan as part of the employ benefits package—either with or without Welcome Baby Care!

The hope is more care for more women, decreased incidents of postpartum mood disorders, a well established bond for those returning to work, and increased understanding in both employers and insurance companies that the 4th trimester demands the same level of attention as the first three.  The world at large needs to know about postpartum care, and insurance needs to cover it.

We partnered this week with Optum’s Health and Wellness manager as she notified women of the company’s maternity benefits program.  Registering for the program entitles women to 2 free books and calls from a maternity nurse throughout their pregnancy and for six weeks postpartum.  Not only do the nurses check in with these Optum employees, but women enrolled in the program can also call them with questions at any time.  How great is that?  We are just desperate for more companies to take such wonderful initiative.  Knowledge, education, and support empower new parents and help them become better working parents.  It’s a win-win situation for employees and employers.

What a thrilling week!  We’re all about education and advocacy.  Thanks to Optum for including us in your maternity support push!  Here’s to a happy, healthy pregnancy and postpartum for all!


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