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A Note From Your Doula: The Exception to Breast is Best

By Doula Jen

doulaDear (tired, awesome) Moms and Pops,

Wanted to take a minute to talk about Welcome Baby Care’s view on feeding choices.

As doulas and lactation consultants, we wholeheartedly celebrated World Breastfeeding Week—in our actions, in preparing for the upcoming CLC training here in Minneapolis, on social media, and here at the blog.

We unapologetically stand with other mom-baby professionals, physicians, scientists, and breastfeeding advocates in proclaiming breastfeeding a wonderful thing! It is the ULTIMATE superfood—tailor-made by mom herself, at the right temperature, with all the right nutrients.

Sometimes we get a little sting from the backlash of parents who chose not to breastfeed, find that they can’t, or cut the duration short with use of supplementation. “Stop talking so much about breastfeeding,” these folks say. “What about us?”

Of course, we care for ALL families and embrace a large range of parenting decisions as we help new moms and dads find their footing in those first few weeks. Parents circumcise…or not, cosleep or cry-it-out, stroller stride or baby wear, and yes—bottle or breastfeed. We see it all and we don’t judge.

As experts, we know an awful lot about breastfeeding and we put ourselves out there as a resource so that we can help women who really want to make nursing work. But that doesn’t mean we don’t respect and appreciate those who choose not to or find that they can’t, for one reason or another.

In fact, when it comes to the good old “Breast is Best” mantra, there is—in our opinion—a clear exception to the rule. Breast is NOT best when Mama doesn’t want to!

If breastfeeding makes the mother feel uneasy, afraid, uncomfortable, mad, sad, or frustrated—well…that is NOT best for her baby. The bond between mother and child is what’s best for Baby. If something interrupts that—i.e. negative feelings about breastfeeding—the greater picture is compromised.

We can sometimes act like boob geeks—we really can’t help that. We’re fascinated by the mother’s biology and find it extremely satisfying to help her nurse comfortably and successfully. But that doesn’t mean we’ve forsaken everyone else.

Be YOUR best, Mama. Be you. We see you and we think you’re doing a wonderful job.

With love from your doula,
