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Postpartum Recipes: Spring Fever Smoothie

By Doula Jen

It’s warming up out there! Doesn’t it make you itch for flip flops? We might not be to open-toed temps quite yet, but we can honor our building spring fever with this purely yummy smoothie recipe. It’s not as mean as my standard, but still packs a huge vitamin A+C punch. We love smoothies for postpartum moms! Check it out…

Liquefy in Blender:

-One small package frozen mango chunks (about 2 cups)

1 cup fresh pineapple, cubed

-1½ cups unsweetened coconut milk

-1½ cups 100% orange juice

½ cup pure pomegranate juice

-1 Tbsp. flaxseed oil or 3-6-9 blend

Yields 3-4 large servings.