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Thanksgiving Recipes For Babies

At Welcome Baby Care, we love homemade baby food! And with the holiday rush approaching you can cut down on the time spent preparing extra food by feeding your baby the dishes you naturally eat around the holiday season. This also begins the process of instilling family food traditions in your children from a young age.

Traditional Thanksgiving foods are nutritious for baby and easy for you to make up in your kitchen. One of our favorite websites, WholesomeBabyFood.com gives great recipes and ideas for nourishing your baby on regular “people food.” Click the link for more information, but here are a few Thanksgiving-themed foods that your little turkey will gladly gobble up! The ages and foods listed below are suggestions—for younger babies, foods will need to be pureed. If your child is able to pick up items, you can leave foods such as bits of turkey in finger-food form.

4 Months And Up:

Sweet potatoes

White potatoes

Winter squash

Green beans

Applesauce and pumpkin puree also make great desserts. Mix with a little rice cereal to make baby “pie”

8-10 Months:

All of the above, plus items such as turkey and cranberries. Feel free to give baby’s food a little flavor with a sprinkle of cinnamon and/or nutmeg.

More Thanksgiving recipes for babies can be found HERE.

What holiday foods do you share with your baby? Share with other parents in the comments section below.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from Welcome Baby Care!

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