Postpartum Doula Training Program
Many well-known postpartum doula training programs provide adequate certification guidelines and one informative weekend workshop.
After the two-day class, the doula is sent off to finish the process alone – including reading and reporting on several books, finding and serving pro bono clients for evaluation, certifying in infant and child CPR, writing essays and drafting an initial business plan. She is given two years from start to finish.
Welcome Baby Care understands that two years is a long time to wait for work. We understand that motivation can be hard to come by when balancing family, life, and a job. We understand that the certification process can be murky and overwhelming when left to your own devices.
A Fresh Approach
The Welcome Baby Care Postpartum Doula Training improves upon the standard of certification by:
- Providing consistent access to our trainers, educators and certification director for questions, concerns, payment options and guidance.
- Eliminating the heavy, isolated and often redundant book work. Instead, we have more workshop time. The same information is covered, with opportunity for discussion and exploration.
- Setting up your CPR class, right at the end of the workshop. Done. Check!
- Providing shadow shifts with real, working WBC doulas. You are not thrown into your first shift without first seeing what this job is like!
- Setting up your pro bono shifts and evaluations. As a well-known company, we have an easier time getting clients than a first-time doula still in training.
- Administering a certification exam – RIGHT at the end of the workshop so you don’t forget anything – which replaces the hours of “homework” required by other programs.
- Encouraging and expediting the process for you! We do not just take your money and leave you to figure it out. We help you get it done and begin working as a doula.
- Maintaining a program graduation rate of 95% or higher.
- Hiring you! If it’s a good fit, you can join our team and start work right away.
Our next Postpartum Doula Certification:
January 25 – 30, 2016