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Always Your Baby

By Doula Tory

babiesMy babies are all grown up.  Now, my brood is made up of teenagers and young adults.  They travel and work and fall in love.  They spend most of their hours without me.

I’m lucky enough to have the chance to love up all of our WBC babies, to soak up that powerful new parent energy…but still, I miss MY OWN babies.

I don’t want to be threatening or a know-it-all or one of those grandmas at the grocery store who tells you not to blink…but you will one day miss your babies too.  Just for one moment, I ask you to appreciate that, and cuddle them close.  Give them “cheekies”  for Doula Tory.

And then look on the bright side.  They will ALWAYS be your babies.  Always, always, always.  Even when you have to beg them for a kiss.  Even when they are taller than you.  Sometimes, when one of my kids is sick or sad or just needs help plucking eyebrows, they’ll still crawl in my lap.  They’ll cuddle close.  They’ll let me hold them…and the weight of them, the warmth of them makes me stop and catch my breath.  It is odd and also as familiar as when they were a mere 20 pounds.

Things change, things stay the same, things lift you up, and things break your heart.  That’s motherhood, friends…and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it.