By Doula Tory
Since the introduction of our blog, we have often discussed WHY new parents should hire a postpartum doula. Naturally, the benefits present differently for every family, but the basic WHY is obvious. Support is support. Every parent deserves support, every parent NEEDS support. And of course, we have gone into detail about how we provide that support.
Lately we’ve been taking a look at WHO hires a postpartum doula. Who are you? Why do you in particular benefit from postpartum care?
Of course we’ve served all types of families, from single mothers of singleton babies to first time parents of triplets. And the length of care varies a great deal–we’ve been with families for one day and we’ve been with families for one year.
We care for everyone, but we’re seeing some common trends amongst our clientele that we’d like to share. Again, everyone deserves this tailor-made support, but if you fall into one of these categories…you in particular might NEED this support and could benefit from it in a very profound way.
1. Multiples, multiples, multiples. More babies, more everything. More diapers, more burps, more midnight feeds, more stress. You need more hands! You need more breasts (although for the 500th time, we do NOT offer wet nurse services)! We—at the very least—offer more help. Our multiples mamas are amongst are most GRATEFUL because without us, they are often outnumbered and intensely sleep deprived.
2. Special Circumstances. High needs babies, preemies, illness. Postpartum mood disorder, breast infection, birth trauma, postpartum emergency. Antepartum care for bed rest moms. Sometimes either mom or baby have health issues. They need help navigating the situation and getting perspective. They need help with recovery. They need good nutrition and education. You get the picture.
3. Transplants. New to town? Grandma’s in New York at a demanding job of her own? When you’re new to the neighborhood, nobody’s bringing that lasagna. Nobody is sharing THEIR OWN breastfeeding struggles and successes. New parenthood can be lonely and isolating without a lack of community. It is very rewarding for us to serve these clients who are pretty much all alone.
4. Mama Back to Work. Maternity leave goes soooo fast. The return to work can be wrought with difficult emotions, difficult decisions, extra exhaustion, extra worry, and the darn breast pump too. For a lot of Twin Cities moms, we smooth the bumpy road back.