Must Have’s – Newborn Checklist
It’s Baby Registry month! Here’s our grand newborn checklist for what you really need for Baby’s first weeks…
- 5 short-sleeved onesies or undershirts
- 3 long-sleeved onesies or undershirts
- 7 one piece sleepers – zip or snap
- 2 pairs soft cotton pants
- 6 pairs socks or booties
- 1 light cardigan or hoodie
- 1 snowsuit or bunting bag for a winter baby
- 3 pairs scratch mittens
Swaddle and Cuddle
- 2 thick cotton blankets
- 8 thin muslin receiving blankets
- 3 “swaddlers” with straps
- 1 Boppy pillow, or similar
- 15 burp cloths (to also use as bibs)
- 2 Lansinoh cream/ointment (for breastfeeding)
- 1 breast pump (optional if not returning to work shortly after birth)
- 6 pairs of nursing pads
- 2 – 3 nursing bras
- 6 four-oz. bottles (if formula feeding…1 – 2 or buy as needed if exclusively breastfeeding)
- 6 eight-oz. bottles (if formula feeding…buy as needed if breastfeeding)
- 1 bottle and nipple brush
- bottle drying rack
- Formula (if planning to exclusively bottle feed – check the expiration date and don’t buy too early!)
- If cloth diapering: 4 dozen reusable diapers, 8 water proof covers, 6 snap closures OR about 3 dozen all-in-ones
- If disposable: 1 box Newborn size, 1 box size one
- diaper pail
- changing pad
- 2 boxes disposable wipes OR 12 washcloths designated as diaper wipes
- 1 diaper rash cream, paste or spray
- 1 plastic bath or sink bath insert (optional)
- 12 washcloths NOT used for diaper station
- baby soap or wash
- 2 hooded towels (optional…you can always use the family towels)
- 1 approved crib, bassinet or Co-sleeper with appropriate mattress
- 3 waterproof pads
- 4 fitted crib sheets
- 2 sleep sacks
- white noise machine (optional, but often useful)
(If bed-sharing follow the Safe Sleep 7 Guidelines, available at
Health and Hygiene
- infant nail clippers
- 1 baby-specific or rental, near-natural free and clear laundry detergent
- 1 soft bristle infant hair brush
- 1 baby comb
- 1 infant thermometer
- 1 bulb syringe
- approved stroller
- car seat (have it installed BEFORE you leave the hospital)
- pack and play (optional)
- 1 – 2 slings or soft baby carriers
Extras (all optional)
- changing table
- rocking chair
- diaper bag
- sun shade for car
- 2 – 4 pacifiers
- rattle
- toys
- mobile
- floor gym
Don’t Forget
- Food plan for parents!
- Support and help!