Your body is amazing. Not only did it grow and birth a human, but it is also capable of exclusively nourishing that human through the first six months of their life. Did you know that as your baby grows and changes, your breast milk grows…

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Your body is amazing. Not only did it grow and birth a human, but it is also capable of exclusively nourishing that human through the first six months of their life. Did you know that as your baby grows and changes, your breast milk grows…
If you are soon-to-be expecting your first little bundle of joy, you no doubt have learned a lot about pregnancy. And in turn, you have learned first-hand about all of the, how shall we say? Unglamorous things about being pregnant? Point being, we’re sure you’ve…
Breastfeeding Tips Breastfeeding help for the new mom. We’ve said it before: just because breastfeeding is referred to as “natural,” and “simple” (requiring no complex machinery or processes), that doesn’t mean it’s easy, nor that it will just “come naturally.” Many moms will need breastfeeding help…
We asked a WBC superstar… “My name is Patti and I have been a CPD for almost 3 years, although it feels like much longer because I worked in the hospital postpartum/newborn nursery unit for 23 years prior to WBC. For all those mamas that asked, Can I…
By Doula Jen La Leche League. Maybe you know it and love it. Maybe you’ve been and didn’t quite connect. Maybe you’re curious but scared. Is it some kind of secret society? Do I sign my name in breast milk? I myself felt a little…
By Welcome Baby Care Shortly after birth, the new mama usually gets some help breastfeeding — from the lactation consultants and nurses at the hospital, from the midwives and LCs at the birth center, or from their midwives and doulas at a home birth. These…
By Doula Jen I am so into this little story about a lactation-supporting waitress, I had to take it to the WBC blog. As a doula, I often have to rein it in when I see a new or expectant mom out and about, white knuckling it,…
By Doula Jen Nicole, a close friend of mine, contacted me shortly after the births of both of her children. I was not yet a doula when she had her first child, but was a long time breastfeeding mother myself and an advocate of support…
In our work as postpartum doulas and educators, we make several recommendations which will set you up for success in the first few months of Baby’s life. We ask that you plan for two full weeks of meals. We tell you to plan for practical…