As a new parent you stand on the cusp of your future. Your little one has arrived safely and you and your spouse are easing (or flying headfirst) into parenthood. Endless family fun is on the horizon. Now if you can get through the sleepless nights, you should just be able to coast this jet right through to high school graduation, right?
Wrong. As much as babies bring a bundle of bliss, and as much as this special moment will root your marriage deeper than ever, it also has the potential to drive you and your spouse apart. Sleepless nights and exhaustion leads to snappiness, arguments and misunderstandings get blown out of proportion, spouses disagree on parenting…the list could go on.
We’re not proposing that there is any one cure-all to the challenges that a marriage will face after the birth of a child/children. What we are saying is there’s something that you should never forego, no matter how limited your time or financial resources: baby-free date night.
You and your spouse need that time to connect outside of the house, away from the baby, more than ever. Seem like too big of a hassle to find the babysitter, do the pumping, and pack the diaper bag and the port-a-crib? Yes. You’re right. It is a hassle—even a pain. But then compare it to a marriage that’s gone sour. The planning and the schlepping are a small price to pay.
Date night is especially challenging if you live far away from family who can help with babysitting. But if family doesn’t factor into your potential childcare brigade, start cultivating your relationships with potential babysitters immediately. Is there an older teen in your neighborhood or a responsible college kid at your church? Have her over for a few afternoons while you’re home so that you can help her learn the routine and she can get to know your home and your baby. Consider this “on-the-job training.” Pay her for her time.
Funds tight? Register for Groupon or Living Social. Both discount sites frequently offer half price vouchers for local restaurants and events. It doesn’t have to be fancy—get in the habit of enjoying your baby-free time with your honey as much over a pizza as a filet mignon. No matter where you spend them, these moments are money in your marriage bank.
Free Give Away!! Get A Baby Free Date Night!
We want to help you have a night out—so we’re giving away a $50 restaurant gift certificate. To enter, leave a comment in the comments section answering this question:
What do you do on your baby free date nights? What would you like to do? (make sure to leave your email or a link so we can contact you)
- Contest runs until Saturday, October 8, 2011 midnight CST.
- Winners will be chosen at on Sunday, October 9 at 8:00am CST
- Increase your chances to win by letting us know (in the comments section) that you have done one of the following (you can perform several actions and leave comments for each to increase your winning potential!):
- Twitter: following@babycaretweets = 1 entry. Click here.
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