This week we’re discussing Attachment Parenting and one sure-fire way to attach yourself to your baby is to wear her. This fun, picture-filled book teaches you the multitude of manners for sportin’ your little bundle of joy. Great for yourself or win it and give it to a pregnant friend. Here’s how to win Baby-Gami: Baby Wrapping for Beginners:
- Comment below on this question: Did you wear your baby? Why or why not? If you are pregnant now or thinking of kids in the future, do you plan to make babywearing a part of your parenting practice? Why or why not? No criticism here ladies, just a chance to share perspectives. (make sure to leave your email or a link so we can contact you)
- Contest runs until Saturday, August 2o, 2011 midnight CST.
- Winners will be chosen at on Sunday, August 21 at 8:00am CST
- Increase your chances to win by letting us know (in the comments section) that you have done one of the following (you can perform several actions and leave comments for each to increase your winning potential!):
- Twitter: following@babycaretweets = 1 entry. Click here.
- Facebook: “Like” Welcome Baby Care = 1 entry. Click here.
- Subscribe: receive blog updates in your inbox (click button above) = 1 entry.