
BEST Baby Gear for Twins

Besides double (and triple) of EVERYTHING, parents always ask us what multiple-specific gear they need. Here are our picks for the biggest game changers:

  • Skip Hop Double Duo Diaper Bag Designed to fit on a double stroller and big enough to carry EVERYTHING. 
  • My Brest Friend Twins Plus Deluxe Nursing PillowA double nursing pillow is a must! Even if you’re bottle-feeding. This one is the brest! 
  • The Twin Z PillowYes, it’s another twin-specific nursing pillow. This one is great for floor activities such as simultaneous bottle feeding and tummy time. 
  • Arm’s Reach Co-sleeperIn the beginning, twins sleep best side by side…and they can both sleep in this bedside bassinet. If you’re rooming-in with your babes, might as well make it easy. 
  • Itz Been Baby Care TimerPick a different color for each twin or triplet. Sure, there’s an app for that, but this provides a separate and easy system for tracking who ate when, how long they’ve been asleep and what happened at the last diaper change!

Other must-haves include: a swing or bouncer (because you’re outnumbered), a double stroller frame for carseats, a double stroller for beyond newborn and a soft wrap carrier (like Moby).

DOULA TIP:  Frequenting twins message boards or joining the local Moms of Multiples group can connect you with some GREAT hand-me-down opportunities and baby consignment sales. Twins are double everything and then some when it comes to the bank account. Definitely look into used gear and bargain shopping!