By Doula Patti
Location: Apartment Building near Lake Calhoun
Time: 10:40 — I’ll be nice and early!
Feeling: Ready and confident.
I pull up to the garage door behind another car and enter. I don’t see any card swiping device, so I figure it’s an automatic door. I drive along and try to figure out where to park. All spots are marked with numbers which makes me realize I’m probably in the residents garage. I drive back to that good old automatic door and no matter how close I get–and I get CLOSE–it won’t open.
That’s when I notice a little box with the words “SmartPass.” GREAT! I back up (thinking thank goodness no one is in line behind me) and try to call the client. No service! I drive up a level and try again. Mama answers but doesn’t know how to get me out! Not feeling so confident anymore. Good thing I arrived early!
Then…I hear a car! My chance to escape. I follow inappropriately close to his bumper and get out before the garage door closes. Sorry for tailing, Friend, but there’s a mom and baby upstairs who need me!