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Free Time Vs. Me Time

By the Welcome Baby Care Doulas


…because you have to put on your oxygen mask FIRST before you can help those who need assistance.

…because as a mother, you have less to give when you’re running on empty.

…because now, you can’t afford to get sick.

Free Time:  40 minutes to run to the post office between feedings.

Me Time:  20 minutes in a bubble bath, with candles.

Free Time:  Answering work emails from the couch after the baby’s gone to bed.

Me Time:  Pajama pants, a favorite movie, and a foot massage from your partner.

Free Time:  The treadmill, which you hate

Me Time:  Hot Vinyasa Yoga, which you love…

Free Time:  “Honey, we have a few minutes before taking Bella to her well check-up, let’s go over these bills.”

Me Time:  “Honey, let’s ask your mom to watch the baby for two hours so we can go to our favorite restaurant.”

Free Time:  Pounding through exhaustion by stopping for a cup of coffee.

Me Time:  A delicious afternoon cat nap.

Take care of yourself.  There’s nothing wrong with just a little “Me Me Me.”  

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