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Postpartum Doulas Rock the House

By the Welcome Baby Care Doulas

A small collection of the coolest things we’ve done for our clients:

1.    Brought all the ingredients for homemade muffins, baked them, and cleaned up the mess.

2.    Foot and leg massage for mama while she let the tears flow.

3.    Cleaned and organized a long neglected hall closet.

4.    Made and froze two weeks worth of meals while mama “practiced” being alone with baby and toddler for the first time.

5.    Held the baby while he got his shots because mama couldn’t bear it.

6.    Brought cupcakes to share while we sorted through her birth story.

7.    Wrote and addressed the family’s Christmas cards while the new parents took a nap.

8.    Made a cake on mama’s birthday while she went out for a quick bite to eat with her hubby.

9.    Lifted the baby blues with a surprise of flowers.

10.  Wrote sticky notes of encouragement and hid them around the house for a mom lacking self-confidence.