Your body is amazing. Not only did it grow and birth a human, but it is also capable of exclusively nourishing that human through the first six months of their life. Did you know that as your baby grows and changes, your breast milk grows…

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Your body is amazing. Not only did it grow and birth a human, but it is also capable of exclusively nourishing that human through the first six months of their life. Did you know that as your baby grows and changes, your breast milk grows…
If you are soon-to-be expecting your first little bundle of joy, you no doubt have learned a lot about pregnancy. And in turn, you have learned first-hand about all of the, how shall we say? Unglamorous things about being pregnant? Point being, we’re sure you’ve…
Lactation takes work! The first step is encouraging a healthy milk supply. So maybe you’ve gotten the latch help you needed and baby is ready to nurse but it doesn’t seem like you’re producing sufficient milk to feed your little one, or your little ones,…
Lactation Help Lactation counseling? But isn’t breastfeeding supposed to be the most natural thing in the world? Lactation help has become the new mom’s little lifesaver. It’s one of the great misconceptions that things that are so-called “natural” are, by their nature, simple, intuitive and…
Doula Product Picks for Mom and Baby We polled our GROWING staff of doulas, lactation counselors, parent educators and night nannies to come up with these picks for the BEST Mom & Baby products. Doulas know! Without further ado… Favorite Swaddling Blanket – Winner: Aden…
Paced bottle-feeding is a method with the goal of creating an intake flow most similar to breastfeeding, but it is not just for families bottle-feeding expressed breast milk. Paced bottle-feeding is the best method for formula fed babies as well, because the slower pace is…
When it comes to most things parenting, we discourage striving for “perfection.” Instead, we’re quite fond of wonderfully unique imperfections — flaws are human, after all, and humans make the best parents! When it comes to your breastfeeding latch and hold, however, “perfect” is the…
1. Breastfeeding helps you get back in shape! The metabolic energy needed to breastfeed ONE baby each day is the same amount you’d use on a 7-mile walk! 2. Good health for Mama AND Baby! It reduces Mom’s risk of breast cancer, as well as…
By Doula Jen
By WBC Director of Lactation, Lisa Erbes [separator headline=”h3″ title=”Reasons Moms Give for Having Nipple Shields in the Home:“] Sore nipples, cracked nipples, flat nipples, inverted nipples, low supply, lazy suck, because the Lactation Consultant said so, because the pediatrician said so, because my sister-in-law…