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Teaching Your Kids The Spirit of Generosity This Christmas—The Adopt-A-Family Program. Only Two Days Left!

As Christmas is coming parents are pondering two things: how to get all of their holiday presents purchased and how to teach their kids that Christmas is more than presents.

Both require a little intentional strategizing. We might not be able to help you make one more Target run, but we can offer a few suggestions on how to make Christmas a lesson in generosity and care for the less fortunate. One way to tangibly bring your children into the lives of those who have less is through the Salvation Army’s Adopt-A-Family program. When you sponsor a family for Christmas, you take on the responsibility and joy of providing Christmas gifts for a family that may not otherwise have them.

You kids share the excitement of shopping for their adopted “brothers and sisters” and picking out toys, treats, and mittens. You may be surprised at their generosity and their willingness to even forego a few of their own presents under the tree for the sake of others.

The Salvation Army family sponsorship drive in Minnesota is taking place today (November 30) and tomorrow (December 1). Click here for more details.

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