Hey Moms and Dads, check out these tips on choosing your baby photographer by one of the best, Amy Lemaniak owner of Ten Tiny Toes Photography
Congratulations, you’re expecting! Welcoming a new baby into your family is one of the most exciting, momentous occasions you will ever experience. It also can be very overwhelming with all of the new To Do’s that have just been added to your list! One of those “to do’s” may be looking into Newborn or Baby Photography to document your new little one once they are born and as they grow! This is one of THE most important To Do’s on your list in our opinion and you don’t get any do-overs on this one! We hope with the information below, that you will be well equipped to make the most informed decision possible when it comes to selecting your baby’s photographer. After all, this is one of the few things in your life that will only increase in value as time passes!
When to start?
It is ideal too , especially if you’re considering doing any maternity or pregnancy photos as those are typically done in the 3rd trimester.

If your baby has already been born, most photographers will do the newborn session before 2 weeks of age, so the sooner you can find your photographer the better! If your baby is older than 2 weeks, a good photographer can still capture your baby in the newborn stage, but they just may be more alert and awake and not able to get the curly posed shots that are typically done before 2 weeks. Regardless, you’ll want to document your baby before they get any older and lose that newborn look, so don’t fret if you feel as though you’re too late!
Where to start?
Most people start on the Internet in their search for a baby photographer! Searching for your local area and the terms “Newborn Photographer” will yield a great starting point. Websites are great because you can easily get a feel for a photographer’s specialty, style, and personality from their website.
We recommend narrowing it down to 3-5 photographers whose work you are the most drawn to and contacting them.
What to Look For?
Experience is the single most important factor when choosing your baby photographer. Does the studio specialize in just babies? Or do they also photograph weddings and headshots and just do babies during their slower times of the year? Would you go to an orthopedic surgeon for your baby’s general healthcare? No! You would go to a pediatrician that specializes in treating babies and children!
Photographers that specialize in only newborns and babies focus ALL of their time, energy, and education on those styles and are the most experienced you can find. Many wedding photographers will photograph babies during their off season and some are great at it, but will they be available come summer to photograph them again as a 6-month-old when they’re busy shooting weddings?
With all of the newborn photography craze over the last few years, there has been much concern about safety when it comes to specific poses, especially with props. A highly experienced photographer will know how to do the more commonly posed shots in a safe way, which often includes taking multiple shots of a pose where the baby is safely supported and then merging them together to form a final image where you cannot see the support.
Safety Questions to Ask…
• How many newborns have they photographed over their career?
• Have they had any professional training or attended any workshops specifically geared towards newborn photography?
• Does the photographer have an assistant present at their newborn sessions?
Photographic Style
You’ll quickly notice when you begin your search that there are many styles of newborn and baby photography. Many styles range from posed, curled up shots, to more lifestyle and black and whites which are often done in clients’ homes. Take a look and see what you are most drawn to. It’s VERY important that you feel a connection with your photographer’s style! This is one of the most important decisions you will make so make sure you like how their photos look!
Product Offerings
Close your eyes. Imagine it is 5, or 10 years from now and you’re looking back at the images of your now grade school daughter or son, from when they were teeny tiny. What are you looking at? A framed print on your wall? A keepsake album that tells the story of their first year? How do you want to remember this time? How will you preserve it?
We live in an era of digital everything and while having digital access to your photos can be very convenient and cost effective, don’t forget to invest in keepsakes for you to have for years to come! Are you going to be able to find that disk or flash drive, or sift through the thousands of images stored on your smartphone to find their newborn photos? Probably not! Don’t regret not having a printed keepsake of this time!
If this resonates with you, make sure the photographer you choose offers such products!
A word about budget…
Of course, the ultimate question of budget and cost does come into play, but keep in mind that these are some of the MOST important photographic keepsakes that you will ever possess. We have heard many clients say that these newborn and baby photos of their children have become even more important than their wedding images that they spent thousands on! Consider this an investment in your family’s story, one that you can pass along to your children and grandchildren.
We hope that you have found this information to be helpful in your search for a photographer! We are always available for additional questions via our contact information below
Amy Lemaniak
Ten Tiny Toes Photography