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My Ideal Mother’s Day

By Doula Jen

As a doula, I am so in favor of a day to celebrate motherhood!  Hallmark holiday or not, we deserve it!  As for my idea of a perfect Mother’s Day, it’s nothing fancy…just a little bit of wonderful and holding myself to relaxation!

  • Slow morning – absolutely no chores, no work.
  • Brunch with my family–at home, out, or a picnic if it’s nice.  In recent years we’ve chosen fun and funky restaurants–Chatterbox Pub, Psycho Suzi’s, and this year Hell’s Kitchen.  I’m not a fancy, stuffy bruncher.  
  • An outing with the kids that’s more mama-inspired than play space, but that we’ll all enjoy.  Last year we hit the sculpture garden.
  • An afternoon ice cream outdoors in any one of our favorite Twin Cities neighborhoods.  Menchie’s in Highland Park and Izzy’s in Merriam Park are our faves.  
  • A nap!  Or at least lying down with a good book.
  • Light dinner and watching “Once Upon a Time” with the fam.  
  • Evening Yoga

Food, fun, family, and a little restorative alone time.  Perfection!

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