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How Postpartum Services Help Combat Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Services Focus on Identifying the Signs of Postpartum Depression

It may not seem intuitive that there would be a connection between postpartum services and a decrease in postpartum depression, but our work in the field, combined with researched studies show a doula a day keeps the blues away. Why is this?

While postpartum depression (PPD) can be the result of many factors, one of the common conditions uniting PPD sufferers is a lack (or perceived lack) of support. This can include feelings of isolation, exhaustion and a sense of being completely overwhelmed.

postpartum services

Bring postpartum services on the scene and we see a lot of these precursors of postpartum depression diminish, and even disappear. Mothers feel supported, they get the sleep they need, they’re no longer isolated and their questions are gently and compassionately answered by someone they can trust.

What is Postpartum Depression?

 postpartum services

Postpartum depression is a condition very similar to traditional depression. It sets in following the birth of a child or children, though signs may appear before the actual birth. PPD is often triggered by postpartum hormones, the exhausting conditions of early motherhood, and the psychological changes that mothers experience as they enter a new phase of life and take on a new identity. Women with a history of depression prior to pregnancy are at a greater risk of developing postpartum depression.

What Are the Signs of Postpartum Depression?

Like most physical and mental health concerns, early detection is key. And this is where doulas come in. Doulas, being specifically trained in postpartum mood disorders, help recognize the early signs of depression—those that are often swept under the rug as “baby blues.”

postpartum services

Signs of postpartum depression include:

  • Anger, irritation, resentment at your baby, your spouse, your circumstances…or nothing at all
  • Listlessness, numbness
  • Uncontrollable sadness and crying
  • Confusion, fear
  • Increasing feelings of self-doubt, guilt over being a “bad mother,” fear that you’ll never “do it right”
  • Disconnection from baby, spouse, other family members; not bonding with baby
  • Sense of hopelessness
  • Change in sleep patterns—oversleeping or insomnia
  • Change in eating patterns—overeating or under-eating

This is not an exhaustive list, just a few of the symptoms we commonly see in working with new mothers who may be experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression. WBC doulas are trained to come to the aid of families with prevention, intervention and recovery measures, supporting them every step of the way.

Postpartum Services, we are Here to Help With Those Baby Blue

If you, or a loved one, are experiencing signs of postpartum depression, don’t delay in getting help. The way you are feeling is normal and help is available. Contact us today for more information.


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