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New Parent Trends: The Baby Moon

By The Welcome Baby Care Doulas Recently, we wrote about the first post-baby date night.  Today, we’d like to highlight a new trend in expectant parents…the baby moon.  It’s the honeymoon of pregnancy, usually taken in the 2nd trimester when the mother-to-be is most comfortable. The…

Ask The Experts: Krista Post

By Jen Wittes While writing a recent article about The 4th Trimester for Minnesota Parent, I picked the brain of Krista Post, a local expert on postpartum mental health.  I first met Krista at our monthly Welcome Baby Care meeting last spring.  She had so much insightful information…

A Note From Your Doula: Take it Slow

By Doula Jen Hello all, Merry, happy, jolly whatever occasion you might celebrate in December.  By now Hanukkah, Christmas, and Solstice have passed.  Kwanzaa begins today.  And so, we face another year.  And life slowly finds its way back to “normal.” Reminds me a little…