1. Breastfeeding helps you get back in shape! The metabolic energy needed to breastfeed ONE baby each day is the same amount you’d use on a 7-mile walk! 2. Good health for Mama AND Baby! It reduces Mom’s risk of breast cancer, as well as…

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1. Breastfeeding helps you get back in shape! The metabolic energy needed to breastfeed ONE baby each day is the same amount you’d use on a 7-mile walk! 2. Good health for Mama AND Baby! It reduces Mom’s risk of breast cancer, as well as…
By Doula Jen La Leche League. Maybe you know it and love it. Maybe you’ve been and didn’t quite connect. Maybe you’re curious but scared. Is it some kind of secret society? Do I sign my name in breast milk? I myself felt a little…
By Doula Jen Last week, 5 of our doulas completed the Healthy Children’s Center for Breastfeeding Certified Lactation Counselor training. We actually hosted the event in order to earn scholarships for our well-deserved doulas, who are always looking for ways to improve and build upon their…
By Welcome Baby Care Shortly after birth, the new mama usually gets some help breastfeeding — from the lactation consultants and nurses at the hospital, from the midwives and LCs at the birth center, or from their midwives and doulas at a home birth. These…
By Doula Jen Yes! They work! Especially when Mama is tired or stressed or when Baby is cluster feeding. Perfect with a cup of tea or a tall glass of milk! Ingredients: 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 4…
By Doula Jen [separator headline=”h4″ title=”It’s World Breastfeeding Week!”] One of the biggest challenges a nursing mom may face is continued breastfeeding after the return to work. You’re tired, busy, overwhelmed, trying to prove yourself to your boss! And the pump? Kind of a drag.…
By Doula Jen
By Lactation Counselor, Lisa Erbes This week, I had an incredible three hour in-home lactation consult with a sweet couple and their 5 day old baby. This family had gone through 18months of infertility treatments and two devastating pregnancy losses before welcoming Baby T, their…