“Everybody needs some time to rejuvenate, refresh, recharge and begin again. Seeing baby’s face is the best way to relax, refresh, rejuvenate and recharge.” -Revathi Sankaran
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“Everybody needs some time to rejuvenate, refresh, recharge and begin again. Seeing baby’s face is the best way to relax, refresh, rejuvenate and recharge.” -Revathi Sankaran
By Doula Jen Nicole, a close friend of mine, contacted me shortly after the births of both of her children. I was not yet a doula when she had her first child, but was a long time breastfeeding mother myself and an advocate of support…
By Jen Wittes Tory sent me this recently as a nod to my overuse of the word perineum. You heard me. Give me an opportunity and I will talk about that ultimately private area—the one…
The Welcome Baby Care Doulas Bouncing baby is cuter and sweeter. You can’t help but allow her sugar to fill your every thought. However, it’s your mate who you’re stuck with for the long haul. Babies become kids. Kids go outside to play. Kids become…
By The Welcome Baby Care Doulas Recently, we wrote about the first post-baby date night. Today, we’d like to highlight a new trend in expectant parents…the baby moon. It’s the honeymoon of pregnancy, usually taken in the 2nd trimester when the mother-to-be is most comfortable. The…
By The Welcome Baby Care Doulas How do sweet, small, seemingly sedentary creatures make SO MUCH LAUNDRY?! If you are new to the glamorous postpartum lifestyle, you’re in the thick of it—sifting through hampers and piles of onesies and wash cloths and sleep sacks and…
By Doula Jen Hello all, Merry, happy, jolly whatever occasion you might celebrate in December. By now Hanukkah, Christmas, and Solstice have passed. Kwanzaa begins today. And so, we face another year. And life slowly finds its way back to “normal.” Reminds me a little…
By The Welcome Baby Care Doulas Just a little FYI, whether you need a crash course or a refresher. Recovery from mastitis is most successful when symptoms are recognized early on. Symptoms: -painful, irritated, hot, tender breast (or area of the breast) -breast swelling and…
Dear Dads, Welcome to fatherhood. Some of you might, at this point, feel like seasoned veterans at 3 months. Some of you are, no doubt, clinging dearly to your last few scraps of sanity and wondering what happened to your life…and your wife. She’s kind…
By The Welcome Baby Care Doulas Before: Signs of a wild night include tipped wine glasses and a lingerie trail leading to the bedroom. After: Signs of a wild night include tipped Diaper Genie, half eaten TV dinners on the kitchen counter, a trail…