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Lactation Consultation – At Home!

By Welcome Baby Care Shortly after birth, the new mama usually gets some help breastfeeding — from the lactation consultants and nurses at the hospital, from the midwives and LCs at the birth center, or from their midwives and doulas at a home birth. These…

Pumping and the Return to Work

By Doula Jen [separator headline=”h4″ title=”It’s World Breastfeeding Week!”] One of the biggest challenges a nursing mom may face is continued breastfeeding after the return to work. You’re tired, busy, overwhelmed, trying to prove yourself to your boss! And the pump? Kind of a drag.…

Nipple Shields: What You Need to Know

By WBC Director of Lactation, Lisa Erbes [separator headline=”h3″ title=”Reasons Moms Give for Having Nipple Shields in the Home:“] Sore nipples, cracked nipples, flat nipples, inverted nipples, low supply, lazy suck, because the Lactation Consultant said so, because the pediatrician said so, because my sister-in-law…