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New Mama Benefits of Juicing

Juicing. Is it just a fad? Something that phases through every few years only to be replaced by the next latest and greatest health kick? Sort of. Home juicing has been around forever, spiking in popularity here and there. Lately, it’s bigger than ever, for a…

Give Me a D!

By Doula Karen D for doula? Nope. I’m talking vitamin D — which most of you have heard ALL about by now. Pediatricians, doulas, chiropractors and health magazines often tout the use of vitamin D drops for baby. Especially if Mama is breastfeeding, especially here…

Postpartum Recipes: Healthy Hash

By Doula Jen This is a one pan, one serving dish for one special mama. Easy for a doula to throw together and completely doable for the mama to cook while flying solo. Veggies, spice, immunity boosting garlic and protein. All the good stuff for…

Postpartum Recipes: Chicken Taco Quinoa

By Doula Amy Quinoa is the new “it” superfood:  good fats, tons of protein, packed with nutrients, and loaded with fiber. We love feeding new mamas good, nutritious food! This recipe is tasty and extremely versatile. You can eat it plain–hot or cold, with chips,…

Postpartum Recipes: Zesty Greek Salad

By Doula Jen After a long Minnesota Winter…at last, the sweet sunshine. The arrival of summer BEGS for Mediterranean flavors and dining al fresco. This Greek salad is an old favorite–everyone begs for the recipe. Chock full of goods for Mama as she heals and…